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Beechworth Anglican Parish

Anglicans and our communities have worshipped and celebrated in Christ Church St Peter and St Paul Beechworth since 1858 and St Jude's Eldorado since 1870

We gather on the country of the Dhudhuroa, Waywurru, Yatmaithang and Nooray-illium-wurrung peoples who have honoured and nurtured our shared Creation for millennia. We offer our respect to their elders of the past, the speakers of the first words, and to those of the present, who invite and encourage us to recognise and share the unique gifts of their culture. We pray that our journey together brings reconciliation and healing.



Sunday services are held at 9:30am in Beechworth and 5:00pm and on Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30am. Services are held in Eldorado on the second and fourth Sundays of every month at 11:00am. All are welcome. At Holy Eucharist, the consecrated gifts are offered in both forms or by intinction. Morning tea follows our Sunday services.

IMAGE: Gold and silver thread embroidery on a crimson silk altar frontal given to Christ Church by Canon Charles Philip Greene in 1886 when he was unable to take up the Beechworth Archdeaconry. The frontal and dossal were made by English ecclesiastical furnisher and vestments maker Cox and Sons.

Christ Church Beechworth

27 Ford Street


Sung Eucharist 9:30am

Evening Service 5:00pm

Tuesday and Thursday

Eucharist 9:30am

St Jude's Eldorado

71 MacKay Street

Second Sunday

Eucharist 11:00am

Fourth Sunday

Morning Prayer 11:00am

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